Egg decorating

How do you decorate Easter eggs? I will tell you how we did it.

1 buy the eggs

2   buy the box of decorating supplies

3 boil the eggs

4 put the tablets in the separate  cups

5 then add vinegar and water to the cup

6 carefully put the eggs in to the cups

7 wait for awhile then flip the eggs

8 wait more then take the eggs out.

Then you are done!


flat stanley

My class and me are doing a flat Stanley and flat Stella project.      So this is how it goes the boys do flat Stanley and the girls do flat Stella.  We are also doing this project for Africa Bridge and we are doing it for a friend or a grandma or grandpa. I sent it to my friend her name is Siena.  I love the flat Stella and Stanley project!  This is the book.




My valentines day

Happy Valentines Day!  My dad and I went to my Valentines party.  We had juice, waffles, and fruit. It was good.  We played Bingo. We passed out our valentines and then we opened valentines. We watched a video and sang a song called Count on Me. Me and my dad loved it. It was such a good party!

Did you like Valentine’s Day?

What did you do for Valentine’s Day?



My New Year

I went to a party. I stayed up tell 12:00 but my dad and my brother did not. Me and my mom did. Our family did bingo together and we got prizes. I won the lemonade and the cookies.

Happy New Year!

Did you stay up until 12:00?

Do you like New Years eve?